à propos

Stephanie Messas, Esq.

Originaire de Marseille, en France, Stéphanie a grandi dans une famille biculturelle. Elle a déménagé aux États-Unis en 1997, où elle a obtenu son diplôme de l’Université Brandeis (B.A., 2001) et de la Northeastern School of Law (J.D., 2005). Admise au Barreau de New York en 2006, elle a acquis de l’expérience en effectuant des stages dans des cabinets comme Coudert Frères et en tant que greffière pour le juge Ramos au sein de la division commerciale de New York.

Stephanie worked on commercial transactions and in employment law at New York firms before becoming in-house counsel in 2011. In 2020, she founded the Messas Law Practice, focusing on American subsidiaries of foreign companies. Stephanie is also a certified yoga instructor and board member of the French American Chamber of Commerce NY.

Contactez Stéphanie au : [email protected]

Marius Courcoul, Esq.

Marius, a native French speaker fluent in English and German, holds an LL.M. in Intellectual Property from Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, with a focus on Fashion and Entertainment Law (2022). He also earned a Master of Laws in Intellectual Property from Pantheon-Sorbonne University and a Master in French and German law from Pantheon-Sorbonne University and the University of Cologne. Admitted to the New York Bar, Marius previously worked in a New York IP law firm, specializing in trademark and copyright law. He also gained international experience in France and Germany. Marius is a member of the NYC Bar, FABA, and APRAM, and has modeling experience in the fashion industry.

Contactez Marius au : [email protected]